Birthday mod


Beitragvon Coroner » 14. Mai 2009 04:28

Hello folks and long time no see. I could really use some help here.

I installed this mod and everything works great for one exception, the option to change your birthday does not show up in the easyupc registration section. In the acp when I click on any users name the option appears and works fine.

I have tried all the options I can think of keeping in mind the instructions in the install notes for other mods.txt file but can't seem to find just the right edits to get it to show.

If you could please take a look at the documentation in the attached zip file I would really appreciate it/ I have included the usercp_register.php and profile_edit_body.tpl that are currently in use along with a couple screen shots and the Birthday mod instructions.

As always, thank you for a great mod and your continued support.

Added after 2 days 14 hours 13 minutes:

One additional note. I have now tested the Birthday mod functions through the acp and everything works. I was able to get the radio box to appear in the preference section of the easyucp but no changes take effect.

So there's the issue of the option to change one's birth date in the profile section not showing up and now the preferences section not functioning.

Please help......

Caused after further 16 hours 5 minutes:

More tests indicate that Gender mod, Custom Profile Fields mod and Birthday mod do not function at all with easyucp.

If you can please look at the files.

At this point it looks like I'll have to back easyupc out completely to get most of the mods installed working.

I really like this mod but with out functions working correctly and lack of support I will abandon this one soon.......

Caused after further 17 days 11 hours 7 minutes:

Removed easyUPC
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Beiträge: 28
Registriert: 15. Jul 2007 04:02
Wohnort: Los Angeles. CA USA

Beitragvon Coroner » 20. Aug 2009 20:54

I never noticed that I never got a replie to this?
Beiträge: 28
Registriert: 15. Jul 2007 04:02
Wohnort: Los Angeles. CA USA

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