Gender Mod not Showing in profile


Gender Mod not Showing in profile

Beitragvon Coroner » 16. Jul 2007 03:05

Sorry if this is a double post because I don't speak German and can't find my original. I love this mod and I am comfused as to how to make the persons gender show in the profile page?

Please let me know!
Beiträge: 28
Registriert: 15. Jul 2007 04:02
Wohnort: Los Angeles. CA USA

Beitragvon AmigaLink » 16. Jul 2007 12:31

This is your first post. So you can't find another from yourself. ;)

I am a little confused.
Your post is not meaningful particularly. Normaly the gender MOD works perfectly after installation through the original installation guide. In particular the profile view has nothing special to do.

The topic info says that the problem is settled. Isn't it? :x
Die deutsche Sprache ist Freeware, du kannst sie benutzen, ohne dafür zu bezahlen. Sie ist aber nicht Open Source, also darfst du sie nicht verändern, wie es dir gerade passt.
Beiträge: 3987
Registriert: 11. Aug 2004 01:06
Wohnort: NRW

Beitragvon Coroner » 17. Jul 2007 21:32

Thanks for the reply. Not sure where it says the problem is settled but now it is. I got it working.

Sorry for the screen shot but I can find anywhere where I can remove it. I fixed another issue just after posting.

I do have another issue that I could sure use your help with.

I installed the easyUCP extension - I enter Something about me: in the extra information area but only my real name shows up. Not what I entered for the about me? The members list page shows the icon but again, the words don't show up?

I also notice that the button for extra information is white while the others match the template? On the second page, all the buttons are white?

Please let me know!

Beiträge: 28
Registriert: 15. Jul 2007 04:02
Wohnort: Los Angeles. CA USA

Beitragvon AmigaLink » 18. Jul 2007 13:46

Not sure where it says the problem is settled but now it is. I got it working.
Look at the Topic-Info at the top of each side from the thread.
That status can be only changed by the topic starter, a moderator or by me.

Your other problem is Bild.
Please start a new topic.
Die deutsche Sprache ist Freeware, du kannst sie benutzen, ohne dafür zu bezahlen. Sie ist aber nicht Open Source, also darfst du sie nicht verändern, wie es dir gerade passt.
Beiträge: 3987
Registriert: 11. Aug 2004 01:06
Wohnort: NRW

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