## MOD Title: DHTML Collapsible Forum Index (CH204)
## MOD Author: markus_petrux <
phpbb.mods@phpmix.com > (Markus)
http://www.phpmix.com## MOD Description: This MOD uses DHTML to replace the effect of the GET variable "c" on Forum Index (which requires to send
## a request to the server). So, it expands/collapses forum categories on the browser itself. It should work on latests versions
## of all major browsers, and is supposed to degrade correctly on non-supported browsers (ie: all categories remain open).
## MOD Version: 1.1.1(ch204)
## Installation Level: (Intermediate)
## Installation Time: 15 Minutes
## Files To Edit: 7
## index.php
## language/lang_english/lang_main.php
## language/lang_german/lang_main.php
## includes/functions.php
## includes/functions_categories_hierarchy.php
## templates/illusion/illusion.cfg
## templates/illusion/index_body.tpl
## templates/illusion/index_body_plus.tpl
## templates/illusion/index_box.tpl
## Included Files: 2
## templates/collapsible_forum_index.js
## images/icon_sign_plus.gif
## images/icon_sign_minus.gif